1. Bachelor of Physical Education and Sports:- 

Bachelor of physical education and sports furnishes every understudy with the chance to partake in an exhaustive program comprising expertise improvement, lead up games, group activities, and physical wellness exercises. The understudies get guidance in rules, abilities, and techniques related to the various games just as learning encounters including physical moulding exercises. The understudies will likewise have chances to get associated with deep-rooted physical exercises through individual game units. The program advances the soul of collaboration, authority, reasonable play, and inviting challenge. . There is a well-prepared library and International standard games playfields for understudies seeking after this course. 

To become instruction experts, physical training instructors may seek after a few degrees and certificates. When all is said in done, at the lone wolf's level, understudies may likewise decide to have practical experience in territories like instructing, open-air amusement or physical training educating. Every one of these specializations incorporates distinctive coursework that will prompt an alternate vocation way.

2. Duration :-  3 years 

3. Eligibility Criteria :-  10 + 2 

4. Syllabus :- 

Syllabus of Education as prescribed by various Universities and Colleges. 

Paper Code
Subject of Study
1Hindi / English (Optional) 
2Principles and History of Physical Education 
3Foundations of Physical Education 
4Olympic Study 
5Kabaddi / Kho kho / Badminton/ Table Tennis/ Tennis / Squash/ Baseball/ Volleyball / Basketball / Cricket/ Football/ Handball / Hockey/ Netball/ Softball
6Running Events 
7Yoga (Asanas) 
8Swimming / Gymnastics (Ground) / Shooting 
9Drill & Marching 
10Anatomy and Physiology 
13Sports Nutrition 
14Kabaddi / Kho-kho / Badminton/ Table Tennis/ Tennis / Squash/ Baseball/ Volleyball / Basketball / Cricket/ Football/ Handball / Hockey/ Netball/ Softball I
16Yoga (Kriyas, Bandhas & Pranayama) 
17Swimming / Gymnastics (Ground) / Shooting 
18Lezim/ Lezim / Hoop/ Umbrella 
19Health Education 
20Sports Psychology
21Physiology of Exercise 
22Management in Physical Education 
23Kabaddi / Kho kho / Badminton/ Table Tennis/ Tennis / Squash/ Baseball/ Volleyball / Basketball / Cricket/ Football/ Handball / Hockey/ Netball/ Softball 
24Officiating of Major Game 
25Athletics :- Throwing Events 
26Swimming / Gymnastics (Any one Apparatus)/ Shooting 
27Teaching Lesson 
28A) General Lesson Plan 
29B)  Lessons in outdoor Sports & Game activities
30Fundamental of computer and its use in Physical & Sport 
31Basic principles of Sports Training 
33Adapted Physical Education 
34Kabaddi / Kho-kho / Badminton/ Table Tennis/ Tennis / Squash/ Baseball/ Volleyball / Basketball / Cricket/ Football/ Handball / Hockey/ Netball/ Softball II
35Athletics :- Officiating of Throwing Events
36Racket Sports : Badminton/ Table Tennis / Squash/ Lawn Tennis 
37Swimming / Gymnastics (One Apparatus)/ Shooting
38Teaching Lesson :- A) Lessons in Racket Sports
39B)  Lessons in Throwing events 
40Sports Sociology 
41Method of Physical Education 
42Remedial and Corrective Physical Education 
43Test and Measurement in Physical Education 
44Kabaddi / Kho kho /Badminton/Table Tennis/Tennis /Squash/Baseball/ Volleyball/ Basketball / Cricket/ Football/ Handball / Hockey/ Netball/ Softball III
45Athletics :- Jumping events 
46Yoga performance in Asanas, Kriyas, Bandhas & Pranayama
47Teaching Lesson:- Lessons in yoga 
48Class Room Teaching Lessons 
49Professional Preparation in Physical education & Sports 
50Educational Technology 
51Officiating and Coaching 
52Fitness & Wellness
53Kabaddi / Kho-kho/ Badminton/Table Tennis/Tennis/Squash/Baseball/ Volleyball / Basketball / Cricket/ Football/ Handball / Hockey/ Netball/ Softball IV
54Swimming / Gymnastics ( Apparatus)/ Shooting
55Athletics :- Officiating Jumping events 
56Officiating Lessons 
57A)  Game Specializations 
58B)   Track and Field 

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