Skill Development Programme

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) Students enrolled
Created by Admin User Last updated 11 Feb 2022 English

Skill Development Programme

This program is for those students who are involved in the process of education. Any student studying in any class above 6th grade can enhance their abilities by learning these skills. There are thirteen types of skills, which are necessary for every student, and in the absence of these skills, students are not able to do their studies properly and even after taking good marks, qualities like confidence, patience, hard work, positivity, success, will do not develop in them. This program is very important for students, children and individuals of all age groups who are associated in some way or the other in the field of education. We have developed these thirteen skills through expensive studies. 

This program develops the 13 skills of the students and makes them talented.

This program develops the spirit of self-confidence in the student.

This program makes the student be disciplined and hardworking.

This program converts student's hard work into success.

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